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The spacious Library with good ambience has well stacked Books, Journal and Magazines. There are more than 3847 titles with 10283 volumes of Books in engineering, technology, science and management.


Current Holdings
Number of Books  : 10283
Number of Titles   :   3847



9863 3517


420 330



News / Events
Number of National Journals  : 80
International On line Journal   : Infotrac Engineering Collection

The Digital Library has 771 CDs containing learning material on various subjects and 247 e-Journals and Magazines. The Library has online book search and issue facilities.

Library Automation and Computerization


A Book database is created in the computer and is entered in the accession register as also for the journals / magazines which are      updated for any additions or deletions.
A student database is created in the computer with the roll numbers, student name, and number of tokens.
A staff database is created in the system with name, membership number, token number and department.
After the physical segregation of books under various disciplines, the same is carried out in the computer system program with interlinking     accession numbers and call numbers.
When books are issued, it is also entered in the computer. The member’s number is entered and the accession number of the book or     magazine borrowed by the member along with the date of issue and the due date. Book renewal can also be done in the same way.
Books can be retrieved either if the author is known or if the title is known. Books can also be retrieved according to any particular subject     since all the available books on that particular subject are also displayed.
Both the Libraries have separate sections for old periodicals and magazines. A separate section is maintained for department project work     thesis.

Maintenance of Stock

After every academic year a detailed stock verification is carried out to ascertain the list of books lost and /or damaged. The books that are      damaged are reclaimed by binding.
Books lost are listed out and brought under “Missing” category.


» A modern Digital Library with a high-speed internet access.
» Separate sections for Book Bank, Periodicals, Back volumes, Reference Materials and Project Materials are provided.
» Reprographic facilities such as Photocopier, Printer and CD Writers.
» DDC coding, Magnetic Scanner, Bar Coding facilities enable the user for faster accessing the Library.
» OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) facility makes book searches easier with various options such as Title, Title/Author, Keyword(s)    and Subject(s).
» Audio Visual Section is also available.


Audio Visual Facility

Computers are made available to the students in the Llibraries for reading the CD's.

Reprographic Facility

Library is provided with 2 Xerox machines. A nominal charge shall be collected for using the same.


Local Area Network Facility

The Library has LAN facility. Through this, the, Library software can be accessed by the students from the server.

Wide Area Network Facility

Our college has WAN facility. By using this, books availability in the library can be known from each department.

Internet Facility

Library is provided with internet facility at the speed of 256 Kbps.

Audio / Visual Facility

Library has a separate section for audio visual facility.

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